Blog 03

How to Rejuvenate your Career when you feel Trapped in the same job?

by Ruth Singh

Blog 03

How to Rejuvenate your Career when you feel Trapped in the same job?

by Ruth Singh

Blog 03

How to Rejuvenate your Career when you feel Trapped in the same job?

by Ruth Singh

1. Fine-tune your attitude:

 Sometimes all you need to renew your vigor and passion about work is a change in outlook.  Try and see the positives in your current job and stop whining about minor issues. Realize that with a fresh look and renewed energy you can transform your role and make yourself indispensable to your organization.

2. Take Courage, break the routine:

If you've been running along with the wind and doing things the time and tested way try and take some risks “It's easiest to tackle changes that don't need the approval of others. For other changes that need the co-operation of the boss, it is important to develop an action plan.''. This will make your boss stand up and recognize you for your initiative so you don’t get lost in the crowd.

3. Take stock:

It's time for you to re-evaluate your skills, talents and abilities, and where they fit in with your overall career aspirations. Review your work over the last year and see how your contributions made a difference to your department? Make sure that you can quantify your achievements in terms of efficiency, accuracy, increased revenue, cost savings or better customer relations. Focus on actions, not responsibilities. This is the first step to a new resume, should you need it. Take time now to identify the industries or market segments which might need you or where you might be able to add value.

4. Broaden, rather than deepen your skills:

While it is human nature to want to be really good at one thing, this can actually work against you. Employees that are versatile and have a broader scope of knowledge and skills are viewed to be more valuable. Find out whether there are other career options in your organization which interest you and enroll for the necessary training and acquire the skills required to broaden or increase the scope of your work and responsibilities.

5. Re-engage your contact network:

Acting like an ostrich with your head in the sand is not in your best interest. If you have neglected your professional and personal contacts, now is the time to re-engage them. Renew your involvement in professional or technical forums, clubs, or blogs. Be able to identify your key accomplishments, skills and abilities and your areas of expertise. Ask them how you might be off assistance to them . You might need their assistance in gaining information, leads and contacts if your situation changes. People will be more willing to help those who have helped them.

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Ruth Singh

Create your career path, milestones and goals. Discover your dream job and transform your career!

© 2023 Ruth Singh


+91 9930895665, 7019663562

Ruth Singh

Create your career path, milestones and goals. Discover your dream job and transform your career!

© 2023 Ruth Singh


+91 9930895665, 7019663562

Ruth Singh

Create your career path, milestones and goals. Discover your dream job and transform your career!

© 2023 Ruth Singh


+91 9930895665, 7019663562